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    MERGERS 2022
    Multidisciplinary Robotic Genitourinary Reconstructive Symposium

    Thank you to the faculty and attendees for making the inaugural Multidisciplinary Robotic Genitourinary Reconstructive Symposium a success.  We had 70 attendees from the United States, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Costa Rica, Qatar and Japan.  The Endourological Society and Society of Urologic Robotic Surgeons graciously endorsed us, and as a result, their members received a $200 discount. Our nineteen faculty were a diverse group, including faculty from 5 specialties and about a quarter were women.  We also highlighted faculty who are mid-career and making great strides in robotic reconstructive surgery.

    When: Saturday and Sunday, July 23 - 24, 2022

    Where: Online symposium

    9.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits Available

    MERGERS 2022 Registration

    *SURS members get a $200 discount as a benefit of membership. SURS membership is only $175!




    SURS – New Membership & Renewals


    Robotic surgery related discussion

    MERGERS The Multidisciplinary Robotic Genitourinary Reconstructive Symposium – July 23-24, 2022

    DAY 1  –  Extending Current Practice  –  July 23, 2022

    8:00 – 8:15       Welcome and Introduction (Craig Rogers, MD)

    8:15 – 8:45       Background and Course Objectives: Historical and Modern Approaches (Nabeel Shakir, MD)


    Module I:     Upper Urinary Tract Reconstruction    Moderator: Sapan Ambani, MD

    8:45 – 9:00       Preoperative Workup and Postoperative Surveillance (Yooni Blair, MD)

    9:05 – 9:25       Rethinking Reimplants: How to Approach Mid and Distal Ureteral Pathology (Sapan Ambani, MD)

    9:30 – 9:50       Robotic Buccal Mucosa Graft Ureteroplasty: Tips and Tricks (Chinonyerem Okoro, MD)

    9:55 – 10:15     Proximal Ureteral Reconstruction / Retroperitoneal Fibrosis (Jeffrey Gahan, MD)

    10:15 – 10:25   BREAK

    10:25 – 10:45   Role of Endoscopic Management of Ureteral Strictures: Primary and Salvage (Sapan Ambani, MD)

    10:50 – 11:05   Primary and Reoperative Pyeloplasty (Jeffrey Gahan, MD)

    11:10 – 11:25   Single Port Robotics: Advantages and Considerations (Nabeel Shakir, MD)

    11:30 –12:30    Panel Discussion / Q&A: Difficult Cases and Videos (Upper Tract) (All speakers)

    12:30 – 1:00     BREAK

    Module II:    Urinary Diversion    Moderator: Divya Ajay, MD

    1:00 – 1:20       Robotic Cystectomy: Efficiency and Operating Room Dynamics (Johar Syed, MD)

    1:25 – 1:45       Dual Surgeon Approach to Cystectomy / Technical Challenges of Neobladder (Divya Ajay, MD)

    1:50 – 2:10       Robotic Approach to Ureteroenteric Stenoses (Boyd Viers, MD)

    Module III:   Lower Urinary Tract Reconstruction    Moderator: Boyd Viers, MD

    2:15 – 2:35       How to Approach Refractory Bladder Neck Obstruction (Boyd Viers, MD)


    2:40 – 2:55       Robotic-Assisted Vesicovaginal Fistula Repair with Omental Flap Interposition: A Step-by-Step Approach (Chinonyerem Okoro, MD)

    2:55 – 3:05       BREAK

    3:10 – 3:30       When to Consider Open Management or Combined Procedures? (Humphrey Atiemo, MD)


    3:35 – 4:30       Panel discussion / Q&A: difficult cases and videos (Lower Tract) (All speakers)

    4:30 – 5:30       Industry Sponsored Product Theater

    DAY 2  –  Innovating for the Future  –  July 24, 2022

    8:00 – 8:15       Cultivating Cross Disciplinary Partnerships: Motivations of Multidisciplinary Reconstruction (Nabeel Shakir, MD)

    Module I:     Multidisciplinary Reconstruction    Moderator: Nabeel Shakir, MD

    8:15 – 8:45       Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Preop and Postop Urologic Reconstruction (Aparna Rajagopal, PT, MHS)

    8:50 – 9:20       Tips, Tricks, and Complications of Penile Prosthetic Surgery (Amarnath Rambhatla, M.D.)

    9:25 – 9:55       Collaborations between Colorectal Surgeons and Urologists: Clinical Scenarios (Edwin Itenberg, DO)

    10:00 – 10:15   BREAK

    10:15 – 10:45   Robotic Kidney Transplant (Atsushi Yoshida, MD)

    10:50 – 11:20   Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Abdomen and Pelvis (Aamir Siddiqui, MD)


    11:30 – 12:30   Panel Discussion / Q&A: Multidisciplinary Cases (All Speakers)

    12:30 – 1:00     BREAK

    1:00 – 2:00       KEYNOTE ADDRESS: The Robotic Surgery Revolution and the Lanes for the Future (S. Duke Herrell, MD)

    Module II:    Gender Affirming Surgery    Moderator: Gladys Ng, MD

    2:05 – 2:25       Role of Robotics in Gender Affirming Vaginoplasty (Gladys Ng, MD)

    2:30 – 2:50       Robotic Assisted Revision Vaginoplasty: Tips and Tricks (Nabeel Shakir, MD)

    2:55 – 3:15       Pelvic Floor Therapy in Gender Affirming Surgery (Christa Carlomusto, PT, MPT)

    Module III:   The Future    Moderator: Yooni Blair, MD)

    3:20 – 3:35       Surgical Education (Yooni Blair, MD)


    3:40 – 3:55       Breaking into Research in Genitourinary Reconstruction (Divya Ajay, MD)


    4:00 – 4:15       Tips and Tricks: Reconstructive Surgical Practice Building (W. Britt Zimmerman, DO)

    4:20 – 4:30       Conclusions (Nabeel Shakir, MD)

    Robotic surgery related discussion



    At the conclusion of this activity, learners will be able to:


    1. Determine which patients are candidates for the procedures discussed

    2. Have a better understanding of upper tract reconstruction

    3. Have a better understanding of lower tract reconstruction

    4. How to better build a robotic reconstructive practice​

    5. How to decide which surgical path to take once there is a complication

    6. How to use different tools that are not commonly used

    7. Understand team dynamics and operating room efficiency

    8. Understand role of robotics in gender affirming surgery

    9. Understand newer technologies in the field

    10. Understand multispecialty surgery, ex. urology and plastics

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